A place you’ll want to visit

Visit Us

Pharmacy and Walk-in Clinic

Located at the back entrance in

Heritage Square Plaza

80 Richmond Street, Unit 10
Amherstburg, ON
N9V 1E9

Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-5pm Thursday 11am-7pm Saturday 10pm-3pm

Closed: Sunday

We are your haven for healthcare advice.

What Can A Local Drug Store Do For You?

As a wholly independent drug store in Amherstburg, we bring about a different kind of pharmacy experience to our town. Our mission is to nurture a relationship with our customers and the community. Old Town Pharmacy is a place where you would want to be rather than ‘have to be.’ It is a place where you can engage our staff in discussing health, fitness, and medication. Although technology has made the pharmacy process much easier, we believe you can’t automate relationships and replace trust. As a local drug store owner, we try to nurture a relationship so that you can count on us for the following services ;

1. Personalized Service

Consumer report surveys position independent drug stores in the excellent position that finds 90% of customers are more than satisfied with the customer service experience. Staff at small local pharmacies have the time and ability to tailor services to suit your needs and wants. They update the patient’s record to avoid a mismatch of prescriptions, track your medical history and closely monitor the health progress of every patient.

2. Less wait time 

Walk into Old Town Pharmacy and connect with your pharmacist quickly. A pharmacist at a chain drug store is often multi- tasking and can’t get to you in a timely manner. On the contrary, you can experience a wait that can drag on if there are issues to deal with while filling your prescription or if you simply want to ask a question. The shorter wait time at small independent drug stores means you can have longer conversations with the pharmacist about your health and medication. It can also mean that you can get on with your day. After all , your time is important too.

3.   Convenience

Old Town Pharmacy has been voted The best independent drug store in Amherstburg  because of things like location, parking, easy access to the pharmacist and selection of products. Large corporations may lack the flexibility to deliver the correct convenience factors ; delivery of and online ordering is NOT the way health care should be rendered. At OTP, we want you to come in, talk to us and discuss things on a frequent basis.

4.  Medical awareness 

If your pharmacy is to truly become part of your health care regimen it should take the time to focus on improving your health awareness. Whether it is about medicine usage, ways to achieve health goals, or managing chronic medical conditions and acute illness, our pharmacists provide relevant information to their patients. In-person interactions are crucial in order to nurture a bond of trust. You can step into our pharmacy whenever you need consultation. 

We are here to help 

Old Town Pharmacy is an independent and locally owned drugstore in the old downtown core of Amherstburg. We take pride in serving our local community and are readily available to help with a variety of medical needs. Whenever you’re in need of any type of consultation, you can find us here !

And remember , Fridays are ALWAYS Senior Discount Days and Old Town Pharmacy has the lowest dispensing fees in the area. Call us soon to find out more …….. your pharmacy can be so much more .