Importance of Vaccinations

Vaccines teach the immune system how to recognize and fight off specific disease-causing germs. They help protect against disease without the risk of getting sick first.

Vaccines contain killed, weakened or imitation versions of the disease-causing germs or parts of the germs called Antigens.

Getting vaccinated lowers the chance of suffering severe illness, having to be admitted to the hospital, and spreading the illness to others.

In Ontario , Grade & students are provide with important vaccinations to protect against serious illness caused by Meningococal Bacteria and some cancers by the Hepatitis B virus ( affecting the liver ) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) ( affecting the cervix, penis, mouth and throat ) .

Seasonal respiratory illnesses, such as Influenza ( Flu) and COVID-19 circulated most frequently between November and April.

Seniors, people who are immuno-compromised and those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease are at an increased risk of experiencing serious illness.

Getting vaccinated in the fall protects yourself, your family and the community, since vaccination is proven to reduce the demands on our Health Care System which benfits all of us.


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Medications for Seniors